Nicholas Dryden / Nico Bellic

*“I been thinkin' bout this, an' it's time to do it- it's time to fuckin' do it; we gotta put an end to th' mothafuck'n' kiwi..trannies.. an' we got- to divide an conquer– an' lissin: read thuh art oh' wuhh by shunsoo [sic]”

Nick Dryden, AKA Niko Bellic
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My Goal is to Blow Up

In every possible category, there arise human beings that can be considered “geniuses”; picasso a genius painter, gandhi a genius statesman, borges a genius writer. well, please be honored to meet Nicholas Dryden of Cincinnati Ohio, who is no doubt a genius at being a fucking retard. i am floored that people can get this stupid. it's like a previous step in evolution. you'll quickly see that the reason this wigger junkie hates monkeys can no doubt be attributed to crippling intellectual envy.

All credits for this one go to Bloodypinky who doxed this cunt and made it look easy.


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Fam. Address: 733 Cloverdale Ave, Cin, OH 45246
DOB: 23rd Feb 1997, as per arrest records
Student of Winton Woods High School (apparently it's shit lol)
Possible Phone no.: (513) 628-3340
Possible Phone no.: (513) 400-1351
Possible Phone no.: (513) 266-6402

Nick Dryden Facebook/ Archive
Nick Dryden Facebook 2 / Archive
Nick Dryden Facebook 3 / Archive
Nick Dryden Personal FB / Archive


Our scrawny Aaron Carter imposter isn't just the kinda guy to date 15 year olds who are “so mature for their age”. sadly, beyond looking like a ridiculous snow-cholo pedophile, Nicholas Dryden is a zoosadist - and a particularly evil one at that. Nicholas Dryden has blood on his hands.

Unlike many of the low hanging fruit we like to post here, Nicholas Dryden has personally commissioned several videos of unspeakable torture acts performed on monkeys. And worse than that - after the VO known as CSM, who was the main active snuff film producer for a while, uh mysteriously vanished, Nicholas Dryden convinced some new SEA subhuman to become a VO. let me state this again.

Nicholas Dryden of Cincinnati Ohio convinced and paid someone to torture a baby monkey on camera, and then tried to sell this video for cash

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The last image is niko's own screenshots of his conversation with the new VO, which he kindly provided. the obnoxious censoring is his work.

Niko also comissioned CSM back when that chink was still making monkey videos:


And, just like a certain other fat retard, he has plans to go kill monkeys himself;


Now, with all this out the way, let's learn a bit more about what Nicholas Dryden is like as a person, find out where the quote at the beginning of this post comes from, learn about his genius plans to combat us kiwitrannies, and his colourful history as a career criminal.

So, at first when the name “Niko Bellic” began popping up in the telegrams, i said something along the lines of, “oh yeah that's the name of the protag from GTA 4; that name is just a red herring. no way is a name like that gonna be connected to his irl identity”.

i assumed that this bitch didn't have down syndrome or something. just as DrNow mentioned in his post above mine about Erica Munkittrick, when i found her husband's plumbing company, i thought “no way would it be that easy”, and we kept looking for much longer than we needed to.

That's because i made the assumption these people weren't retarded.


But no - he is that retarded somehow. he was in fucking monkey hate groups with a facebook account named fucking Niko Bellic. come one. please. have some self respect. anyway, from there it was just a bit of connect the dots to find his primary social accounts, linked with his real name. he also mentioned numerous times on telegram that he has face tats. we initially suspected that was a lie to throw us off, but no. he has shitty face tats that look like a spastic drew them with sharpie.

There's also this undeniable smoking gun lol:

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Now let's talk about his extensive criminal history, which you've probably been wondering about since i posted those two mugshots right at the beginning:


Full Record Zip Download

He's been arrested a billion times for domestic violence, menacing, breaking parole, and harassment with bodily substance. you may wonder what the hell that is. well as per Ohio Rev. Code § 2921.38 (B):

No person, with intent to harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm a law enforcement officer, shall cause or attempt to cause the law enforcement officer to come into contact with blood, semen, urine, feces, or another bodily substance by throwing the bodily substance at the law enforcement officer, by expelling the bodily substance upon the law enforcement officer, or in any other manner

What this essentially means is he threw his own shit at a cop while he was in jail.

What a hardened fucking gangster: he beats women and hurls feces like a fucking monkey. All I have to say in furtherance of this, is to quote Voltaire: *“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.“

Not even his fellow monkeyfuckers like him (which does seem to be something of a trend, no?) here's some of them mocking him:

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In fact, let's go a bit more in detail about Nick's relationships with his fellow monkeyfuckers:

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As you can see, he fucking hates Harley Quinn Macaque, another monkeyfucker that was also hated by fatso Victor Arragia, and countless others. Quinn is really making a name for herself! she herself has doxed many monkeyfuckers. gold star!!

here's him slapfighting and pretending he's put out a hit on another monkeyfucker lmfao:

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I'm not sure where to fit these screencaps in, so i might as well put it here: an example of nick's genuinely autistic wiggerspeak, perhaps attempting to make friends?

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Here's him planning to enact his divine revenge against us lmfaooo:

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Come on nick you dickless faggot, bring it. dox me.
Here's a head start:
4210 Wolfetown Rd, Cherokee, NC 28719

Bring as many of your cowardly friends as you want; I'll go to prison, but all of you will go to the morgue.


I don't really need to write a conclusion to this all: by now you can tell what an overwhelmingly tremendous faggot this guy is. take it away, kiwi:
